Wedding gifts your guests will love you for

It’s quite the tradition for the married couple to give guests a gift at the end of the wedding day, to show how much you value their presence. Check out our tips for what makes a great gift, so that your guests will leave your wedding with a smile.

Something living

Think plants, herbs, succulents or mini trees. This is the gift that keeps on giving. Guests can plant them at their homes or have them on the windowsill to brighten their day. It’s a lovely sustainable way of giving back to the planet, as well as giving back to your guests.

Something scented

Handmade bars of soap are always a winner. After a whole night of partying, it’s great to know you’ve got a bar of soap to take in the shower! You could add your own personalised packaging or essential oils if that’s more your style.

Something yummy

Food is always a winner! Whether it’s left-over wedding cake tastefully packaged up or a jar of honey with a personalised label, there are loads of options here. Coffee beans or chocolates always go down well, too.

Something quirky

Although we don’t often mix ‘quirky’ and ‘useful’ in the same sentence, there are plenty of great options here, such as personalised sunglasses, custom-designed decks of cards or especially engraved shot glasses. 

There’s something for everyone. Enjoy exploring the options, and whatever you decide, your guests will be touched by your gesture.

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