Social media and wedding pictures

Get clear on what you want

It’s a commonly held etiquette for couples to ask their celebrant to advise guests not to post any photos on their socials until the couple has done so. But it’s worth asking yourself first up what sort of wedding you want. Do you want an unplugged wedding, restricting the use of any devices? Or are you not bothered about your wedding being posted all over your friends’ and family’s Facebook pages before you’ve even sat down for your meal? It’s a good idea to get clear on what you want and communicate your wishes early on.

Unplugged is the here and now

If the thought of wedding guests crowding around the aisle to capture their own photos sends you into a sweat, then go for unplugged. We’ve seen it so many times: perfect shots shattered because there’s a sea of smartphones being stuck out by guests trying to get their own image. If you want us to work our magic photographing your wedding, we will need guests to be present to you in real life and not be stuck behind their screens.

If you’re going social, get organised

Sort yourself out with a unique hashtag for wedding posts, tweets and pictures. Choose something that your guests will find easy to remember, like #emmaandsteve, but make sure it’s not already been taken. Remember to ask the venue about WiFi and make it straightforward for guests to find the password.

Ask your photographer for some sneak peeks

It will likely take your photographer a few weeks or months or so to get your photos back to you after the big day. But it’s worth asking for paying for a few sneak peeks a day or two afterwards. This way, if you have gone unplugged, you can share some moments with everyone and keep that warm after-glow feeling continuing through the ether.

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