The basics of planning an eco-friendly wedding

It’s easy to get caught up in our throw-away society, with the drive for bigger, better, brighter. But if you’re eco-conscious, you’ll want to reduce your event’s impact on the environment. Check out our ideas for planning an eco-friendly wedding.

Choose an eco-friendly venue

The biggest and easiest way to reduce your wedding’s carbon footprint is to select a venue that takes sustainability seriously. Talk to venues about their standards and practices when it comes to recycling or reusing. Or you could opt for marrying outside. This way, you’ll save on energy usage, and the natural light will help your photographs look even more beautiful!


Consider all things green

While checking out venues, look for spaces with built-in décor, so you don’t have to waste money and resources on decorations. Many wineries offer fantastic backdrops, while parks and gardens provide a lush floral feel. Floral arrangements can also be sourced locally, and it’s worth looking for a sustainable florist.

Food: keep it local and reduce food waste

It can be fun to seek out local suppliers and caterers and buy seasonable cuisine for your wedding. The more local the food (and wine!), the smaller the carbon footprint. And that’s got to be good for the planet. You may want to consider serving a vegetarian meal for an even lower impact.

Opt for a charity gift list

It’s becoming more and more popular for couples to list a charity or foundation when it comes to the gift list. This seems to be a perfect idea if you and your partner already live together and don’t necessarily need all the traditional ‘moving in together’ items.

Consider the confetti

There are alternatives to throwing bits of paper or rice that won’t cause problems further down the ecosystem. You can go for a plant-based approach to confetti by selecting lavender, rose petals or fresh or dried leaves or herbs. Have them ready to go in baskets or paper bags so that these can be recycled, too.

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Donate, reuse, recycle

From wedding invites to dresses, it’s increasingly easier to find ways to follow the environmental mantra of “donate, reuse, recycle”. There are stationery companies that specialise in recycled paper invites and menus and charity shops which will happily accept donated items. 

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