Why Golden Hour Is The Best Time For Wedding Photography

Hey beautiful couples and everyone head-over-heels in love! We get it, wedding planning can be overwhelming. But here at Feather and Finch, we thrive on capturing the intimate and ecstatic moments of your love story. Today, we're shedding some light (pun intended!) on the enchanting period known as the Golden Hour and why it should be part of your wedding photography. 🌅

What is Golden Hour?

The Golden Hour occurs shortly after sunrise or before sunset, providing photographers with soft, diffused lighting that's neither too harsh nor too dim. Imagine warm hues of orange and gold filling your photos, making them as radiant as your love story!

The Magic of Golden Hour:

  1. Flattering Light: Harsh shadows and unflattering angles? Not during Golden Hour! The warm, soft light accentuates your best features.

  2. Dreamy Backgrounds: Think skies painted with colors you can't even describe, adding that whimsical touch to your photos.

  3. Natural Glow: The warm, diffused light creates a sort of glow that seems almost magical.

Tips for Nailing That Golden Hour Shoot:

  1. Timing is Crucial: Make sure you consult us about your wedding timeline so we can capture those precious moments perfectly.

  2. Pick an Open Location: A clear, open space allows the golden sunlight to pour in, making for sublime photos.

Don't Forget:

Remember, Golden Hour doesn't last long.


At Feather and Finch, we are committed to making every photograph a work of art that perfectly encapsulates your love story. So why not add a dash of golden magic to your special day? Get in touch, and let's make your wedding a Golden Hour affair to remember! 📸✨

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