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How soon is too soon to get engaged?

How soon is too soon?

OK, so you’re deeply in love and want to get married, like, now. But should you wait a certain length of time before you get engaged?

While there is no right answer to the question of how soon you should get engaged, there are a few things to consider before taking the plunge. 

First Thought

First, think deeply about your relationship. Have you been dating for a while and feel ready to take the next step? Or are you rushing into things because you feel like you have to? There is no magic number of months or years to wait before getting engaged, but it’s essential to make sure that you’re both on the same page. If you’ve been through some of life’s issues together, for instance, the death of a family member, you’ll see each other in different settings and know whether there’s a match or mismatch.

Honeymoon Phase

Another thing to consider is whether you’re past the ‘lovey-dovey’ phase of the relationship. Once past this phase, you’ll start to work out how you both handle conflict and repair your relationship after disputes. If you can heal your conflicts and create healthy communication, you know you’re onto a good thing.
Finally, think about your future together. Do you see yourself with this person in the long run? Getting married is a big commitment, and it’s important to make sure you’re both ready for that. 


A one-size-fits-all time frame for how long couples should wait before getting engaged isn’t appropriate. Couples enter into relationships at different ages and stages of their lives. But it’s important to think about how well you know your partner and what you’re expecting marriage will do to your relationship. Considering these sorts of factors will help you work out if you’re ready (or not!) for this next step in your relationship.