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Our top 5 tips to planning a wedding over christmas

Keep it simple through the holiday season

Check out our top five tips to keep yourself calm through the Christmas period, when you’re also trying to have a break AND plan a wedding!

Sometimes we all get a bit overwhelmed with stuff. Particularly when we’ve had a year like 2021. There are too many plates to spin, sometimes. We understand that. You need to have a break. But planning your wedding doesn’t have to be a prescription for stress, so we’ve provided some tips to make planning at this time just that little bit easier.

1.Get yourself organised

If there’s one piece of advice I give people, it’s to have a plan and work through it as efficiently as you can. This will really help you keep your cool and carry on getting your perfect day sorted. I know this requires discipline and some hard grit, but it will pay off in terms of your reduced stress levels.

2. Set small goals

Chunk down your big goals into more manageable smaller to-do items. That way, you can get the satisfaction of ticking off some jobs and making progress more rapidly.

3. Slow down

You don’t have to do your wedding planning all in one go. The process should be enjoyed, so get the milestones in place: agree on the date, book the venue and source your dress. Then have a break and BREATHE. With steady effort, all the details will fall into place with time.

4. Get support or hire some help

You may want to consider using a wedding planner to help keep you organised and think of all those details no one else would have dreamed of. This is possibly the easiest way to relieve the stress and overwhelm. 

5. Celebrate small wins

Planning your wedding day is all about the journey. Remember to keep sight of what this whole journey is about: a celebration of your love and commitment to each other! And so, celebrate the small steps along the way. Before you know it, you’ll be walking down the aisle and breathing a huge sigh of relief and joy.