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Be the best wedding friend ever!

Send this blog to your friends and family and let them soak up my advice on supporting you to make your wedding day the best day ever.

Get clarity

Nothing creates tension like mismatched expectations. So talk to the couple about what is expected of you. And I mean all expectations: financial, emotional and time. Do they want you to help with practical steps of organising, or are you just needed on the day to rock up and cheer? It’s well worth getting clarity, so you are even better friends afterwards!

Sort the pre-party 

The pre-party is all about your bachelor or bachelorette – not you, so make sure you ask your friends who they would like at their pre-parties. There’s nothing worse than forgetting someone and feeling regret afterwards. You can then get on with the job of organising an unforgettable party tailored for them

Listen vs advise

It’s easy to get caught up in telling your friend your opinions on what the best wedding day looks like, but you’re better off listening and supporting your friend with what they want to do. Oh, and by the way, this is a life skill. Not just for weddings.

Make it a community

Remember, you are part of a team, with your overall objective being to make sure the couple have a day that is perfect for them. If you can keep the couple front of mind and make sure everyone involved is doing the same, you will find the day is super buzzy, positive and has a real community vibe.

Be the fairy godmother

It may sound cheesy, but the bottom line is you just need to show up as a great reliable friend. You may want to prepare a wedding day bridal kit for any last-minute emergencies by including things like plasters, sunscreen, bobby pins, paracetamol and period products. And don’t forget a spare phone charger and a list of all the important phone numbers.

Go forth and help the wedding couple have the best day of their lives!